Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 17th - Ecuadorian Food / Restaurant Review

For this week's assignment, I would like you to write either a description of Ecuadorian cuisine, or a short review of a restaurant on San Cristobal. See "Top Tastiest Cuisines in the World" for an example of how to describe national cuisines.

Leave your homework in the comments.


  1. Dear Robin:

    This is my Writing about the Ecuadorian cuisine.


    Ecuadorian cuisine is an incredible because it has very diverse climates provide condiments, and food habits are very different.

    Is an integration or fusion of the indigenous culture with the support of the Spanish inheritance. The indigenouns influence is very evident ins staple food like potatoes (papas), corn and beans. Of inheritance Spanish highlights the goat (chivo), which is one of the typical Ecuadorian cuisine.

    It serves appetizers, soups, salads, and meat and fish dishes, fruits, desserts and sweets typical.

    Vegetables highlights potato (papa), cassava (yuca), tomatoes, onions, etc., fruits (coconut, banana, etc.), is also often used as if they were a few more vegetables.

    Maize is the cereal since ancient times used more (drinks, desserts, pies, pancakes, etc.) Although oats (to make the casting), and rice are also widely used today.

    Although there are many dishes with vegetables, fruits, vegetables or cereals can also find many dishes with meat or fish.

    The "Seco" is one of the most typical dishes in the kitchen made from Ecuadorian one kind of soup, which is left to consume, with chunks of meat (goat, cow, chicken or lamb) and rice. Other dishes would be "Guatita, the Yaguarlocro, the Churrasco", etc.

    When we speak of fish in the whole Ecuadorian cuisine in the world thinks that Ceviche is a way to prepare it. A type of maceration, and you can used different fish.

    "Encocado" the fish is also very popular and is made from coconut milk and white rice.

    The "Cazuelas Fish" (fish, bananas, peanuts, seafood, vegetables and spices)

    Among the vegetables dishes "Fanesca" that highlights the differents mix ingredients such as peas, beans, maize, calabash, fish. The "Fanesca" is a kind of soup that can even lead fish as the area where we are.

    Their diversity of climates gives you a wide variety of fruits. Highlights tropical: pineapple, banana, coconut, pawpaw (papaya) or mango. They are usually prepared with delicious juices, ice cream, desserts, etc.

    The "Cocadas", pancakes and "Morocho" are some of the most traditional desserts or candy in the kitchen Ecuador.

    We must not forget the drinks Ecuadorian among them about how the traditional drink is "Chicha" Ecuadorian more famous. Is an alcoholic beverage that is obtained by fermenting corn.

    The juice of the maguey is obtained "Chuguarmishqui" call another alcoholic beverage.

    Ecuadorian cuisine like to use much seasoning (basil, onions, garlic, cinnamon, coriander, parsley, etc). But stresses the papper and chili, it is very usual to put in all kinds of meats and fish.



  2. Ecuadorian Food

    In Ecuador there is a large variety of traditional food, you can find differents dishes like fritada, llapingachos, ceviche, churrasco, fanesca etc. It all depends the region you are in. Ecuador is also recognized for its exotic fruits.

    Going from the highlands to the coasts of this diverse country you will always get to try a new flavor.

  3. From : Indira
    Ecuadorian cuisine
    Ecuadorian food is consider by many people one of the best.And also its easy to prepare, the variety of ingredients give them a special flavor that involve everyone that try.
    All the Ecuadorian dishes contain a balance among products of the coast line as much as the highland; casaba,vegetables,fish,meat,pork,potatoes, passion fruit and don't forget the rice that's the main ingredient of all meals, are used to made the most incredible combination of flavors on earth.
    From the seafood with the delicious ceviche, to the highlands of Ecuador with the exquisite llaguarlocro a good excuse to taste everything by the way.

  4. The Ecuadorian cuisine as all the Latin America gastronomy is an integration of the native culture with the contribution of the European inheritance. The condiments constitute the special touch in their plates, is essential the red pepper and the herbs like the parsley, basil, coriander and the cinnamon.

    The typical Ecuadorian broths are the Locros of a great variety of ingredients (different types from vegetables and meat of hen). The ingredients more important are the rice, bananas, the potato, the choclo, the sauce of peanut and the yuca; we found them in plates like the llapingachos. Some typical plates are the seco, guatita, ceviche, fritada, fanesca, among others.

    The tropical fruits, like pineapple, melon, papaya or mango are prepared in delicious juices or ice creams.

  5. The Ecuadoran cuisine, is of an amazing variety, it has very diverse weather that contribute spices, customs and different ingredients.
    Nowadays our cuisine is known in some places of america and of the world, thanks to the persons that for different rasons had to travelled to other countries.
    Our cuisine is an exquisite mixture of the indigenous with the European thing doing of our local dishes the only delight.

  6. Ecuadorian Cuisine is Known for its innumerable potato and vegetable varieties. There are many local and exotic fruits, which is used in various meals, from desserts to main courses and garnishes: avocado, pineapplea, papaya, apples, pears,watermelon, banana, and other fruits can be found in specific seasons.The most used meats are pork, beef, lamb, veal. On the coast and Galápagos seafood and tuna are the main food, among the most popular dishes are ceviche( is made with black clam, crabs, fish, lobster, shrimp or sea-snail), menestra or mashed beans, locro de papas or potatoes soup, humitas (made with sweet corn) and tamales.
    There are different cooking stylesbecause there are three main regions, so Ecuadorian cuisine is very varied depends on the products that are available in the specific region.

    When ithink about ecuadorian cuisine i imagine
    a lots of diferent and original flavors. There are so many typical dishes depending of the region, also the ecuadorian food its a good option because is very cheap.

    You can eat it at the popular market or in the restaurants.Most of the typical highland food is made with pork and potatoes.

    In the coast the most popular dish is the Ceviche that is made with all kind of seafood.
    Finally in the amazon they eat native animals like monkeys, snakes,rabits,worms not taste for everybody but those are the costumes of the tribes that live there .

  8. well, in Ecuador you can find a variety of delicious dishes in every where. the Regions of Ecuador has differents traditions and if you made a trip you won't finish to taste all ECUADORIN FOOD.

  9. The Ecuadorian cuisine depends on the items that are available in the specific region: on the coast, plenty of seafood dishes can be found, while in Andes, more soups, potatoes and Pork are eaten. The Pork is eaten here as fritada, meaning Pork in Pork fat with mote and tostado, with potatoes as garnish. The potatoes are used in Sierra as llapingachos On the coast, seafood and Tuna are aliments included in most of the meals. The ceviche is made with fresh shrimps, onions, tomatoes sauce and many herbs. Tuna is used for the encebollado soup, with Tuna and yuca. Heavier dishes that represent the Coastal area include guatita (with cow stomach, Peanut sauce and potatoes) and caldo de manguera (with Pork intestines and rice). In Quito and Guayaquil the food is similar to the one found on the Ecuadorian coast, but it also includes the jungle animals, which are consumed by the jungle inhabitants: monkeys, armadillos, Guinea pig and many species of fish.

  10. Hi Robin, this is my writing about:

    The Ecuadorian Cuisine

    The Ecuadorian cuisine is very varied and rich in flavors, there is a great variety of typical food and diverse preparation forms, that makes that our food is delicious and exquisite.
    The preparations as well as the ingredients vary according to the region of our country like:
    For example in the Coast Region it is very common to enjoy seafood and many foods with rice.
    In the Sierra Region is very common to prepare foods with potatoes, pig and an animal that the name is Guinea pig, this last one is a very famous and very sold typical plate.
    We also have the Amazon Region, here there are most exotic plates in the Ecuador like roasted fish served in leaves, worms and ants, among other exotic ingredients.
    And in the Galapagos Islands we can prove some plates of each region, the seafood and ceviches cannot lack in the Galapagos food.


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