Monday, June 22, 2009

June 24th - Family Adventures

This week I would like you to tell me about the adventure of a person from your family. You can tell me about your great-grandfather, your crazy uncle, your long-long cousin, or even yourself. Tell me the best story that you can remember.

Due Friday



    As a child, studied at the school of Christian Brothers "La Salle" in the city of Loja. As it was a Catholic school, we had to go to Mass every Sunday.

    To tell this story, I give you some background. Since very little, my father took me on weekends at the near mountains to hunt doves, rabbits, turkeys of the mountain, or trouts fishing in the rivers of the mountain. This allowed me to know the beauty of nature in these places, and my ability to arouse astonishment.

    I told my fellow classmates, my adventures on the mountain with all possible details on the diversity of birds and butterflies of all colors found, animals such as foxes with their tufted tails, fawns, bears mountain, the dantas, me and scared of snakes X, wild fruit picked and eaten as lumas, blackberries, Quiques, especially the latter divided between my friends in class.

    I remember once, a Saturday, we went with my friend Nelson Castillo to bathe in the Zamora river and pick blackberries in around more or less a kilometer from the city. At that we were picking berries, we saw two beautiful foxes that we were looking for a while and then left. Stayed with my friend agreed to tell our colleagues what had seen and invite them to come to know them. At that time I was about 10 years old and was in third grade of school.

    The next day, which was Sunday, after church, I told our colleagues about the adventure that I had the day before, and convinced to go see the foxes. More than half of them my class we continued. All we were with the school ironing uniform, shoes bright, well-combed and with our backpacks of the school over our backs, we going to the river Zamora.

    At the head of the group, I was counting that could take place in those larger berries, black and sweet and had never tested, and still to see foxes. It was a group of boisterous children happy and we were going of hiking.

    That morning the sun shone between the clouds, the weather was perfect. Near the site we had to cross a small creek, almost a thread of water, which had a stepping stone without wet shoes.

    At last we arrived at the scene, but the foxes as expected they were not. My colleagues were very disappointed. I explain that perhaps this was not the hours they spent there, and that must be hunted rabbits to feed their offspring, to which my colleagues were in agreement.

  2. As the place was full of bushes laden with abundant juicy berries and we started to catch and eat these sweet fruits. Each demarcated its plant property, stating that no one could catch them. For a long time we had fun and we are quite fed up with berries in it were, when suddenly began to rain very hard so we took the path of return.

    When we arrived at the creek, this had grown and looked like a river. The stones on which we had to cross hardly be seen. We were in trouble, some began to mourn. Faced with this situation began to look for a place where it is easier to run through and I found it. You could spend jumping stone to stone, I explained how to do it, and I came across without a problem. Encourages them to continue, but most did not have the ability to do so and fell into the water, wet complete with books and everything. Dripping water and crying their sentences, each went to their homes.

    When I got home I told them not to my parents what had happened, telling them that I had wet with rain. In my interior was very worried.

    The next day, when I went to school, did what I feared. Almost all parents of my grade (except mine), were meeting with the Director claim what had happened to their children the previous day. And of course, as everyone pointed me to blame for what happened.

    The Director immediately command to call my dad and when he was at school and took me to his presence. Seeing met the director, my father and the inspector, I am a dead man. Did not accept my arguments and I applied defense of punishment on the buttocks 10 ruler who made me see stars. This is an experience not to forget in my life, and that I can tell my grandchildren.


  3. Well, when I was eight-years-old I went to El Puntudo hill wiht my class.
    Was a long walk, but the view was amazing, finchs, Galapagos doves, bugs, flowers and big trees.
    When we arrive to the climb of El Puntudo, at this point high, it's can see the island that are around of Santa Cruz. I was goning to go down, and I start to run, so I can't stop and almost get hurt if a teacher caught me.
    Thats my adventure at El Puntudo hill.

  4. The best story I remember
    The story that I remember it is about my crazy uncle, your name is Abraham; one day he was in the farm the your father that it is ubicate in the Socabon highland of the San Cristobal island, this day my crazy uncle started with to extract milk the cow all was good but the moment that my uncle to yell and screem very hard and this yell made that the cow was starting to persecute a my crazy uncle whom was scared but he was smile, too a loud laugh.
    I remember This story.

  5. When I went to vacations to Argentina -Bariloche I was learning to ski in the Catedral mountain, At the end of a hard practice day I thought I was ready to came down alone from the middle of the mountain. But I didn't notable it was starting to snow, so I was skiing really fast, and suddenly my leg turn around into the snow and my tendon streach and I couldn't move my knee. I was crying and desperate, but the medical attentions came and help me to get down of mountain.

  6. Nefi

    One of the most remarkable adventures that I ever had was when my sister and I were in Canada. We stayed in Oakville, that is a small city not too far away from Toronto, and the family we were staying with told us that one day they would take us there, well they never did so we had to go by ourselves even though we didn´t know the language quite well.

    First we took two busses until we got to the train station, there we bought the tickets and got into a trip that lasted around forty minutes.

    We had already planned our tour around Toronto so first we went to the CN tower which was amazing, we really enjoyed the view, then we walked as much as we could through the city, we saw the Rogers Centre, the old and new City Hall from outside and stopped to have lunch in a near square with an ice rink called Nathan Phillips Square, after that we wanted to go to the Toronto Eaton Centre but couldn´t find it eventhough we asked some people and since it was winter and we had been walking for a long time we were freezing out there , our hands and faces were numb so I said “ let´s ge tinto the first shop we see” and that´s what we did but when we got in we realized that it was actually the Eaton Centre, we were so happy and spent some time in there and then again went out because a few days before I saw in the internet that there was going to be free dance performances in the Harbourfront Centre but when we got there was nothing going on because the show had happend that same day but a week earlier.

    We couldn´t see the show but we did see and enjoy the beautiful harbour of Toronto with those nice boats anchored in the frozen Lake Ontario.

    Well, it was getting late and we had to make that long trip back so with a little map that we had we were trying to find the train station but we were lost again, suddenly while we were walking we asked this woman if she knew where the train station was and it was right there just a few steps away from us. We were so lucky because that exact moment the train to Oakville was leaving and we could make it home with no problem.

    The whole stay in Canada was an adventure for us because it was the first time we traveled alone and we learned to do things that we were not used to do by ourselves.

  7. Seven years ago my mom, my brother, an aunt, a cousin and I traveled to Guayaquil the first January’s days because I had to travel to Honduras the January 09, for to study. In that week that we stayed in Guayaquil, we went to the Ministry of the Interior to take out my passport and my mom bought me some things and some for her business. The my travel’s day, in the morning, we went to a shop to buy a laptop for me, but we spent much time in this so when it lacked half an hour for the flight we arrived run at the airport, but the flight was closed so I missed it, I was very angry and worried because I had to be in that flight. So we had to go to the airline’s principal office to ask for a space in the flight of next day so I was lucky I found a space, after that we went to the hotel to leave my suitcase and we went to eat grilled chicken yum!!!...

  8. I have an uncle that is a painter and he was living in Morona Santiago-Macas , there he was working as an art teacher to kids ,so one day he had to travel to Huamboya y Pablo sexto wich is a small town where he had to teach painting classes so he took the bus but the bus driver drove so fast and he didn´t stop where my uncle had to get off then my uncle left the bus and started to walk, it was midday and the sun was burning him , he got so tired and decided to stop for a while because he saw a tree that was giving a great shadow .When he sat under the tree he saw a high heel coming out the bushes and he got worried and started to look and it was a girl covered with blood , so he held her and ran to the road to get some help when suddenly the police car was passing by .
    They took her to the hospital as son as posible and when the girl woke up the doctor said that my uncle saved her life.
    She was a native Shuar and her name was Sherii that in shuar lenguage means “light that returns” and Sherii explained to my uncle that he is a “Tzunki-Tsu” that means “angel of the life”.
    After that my uncle left the hospital and a few days later were like fifteen natives Shuar relatives from Sherii knocking the door of my uncle´s apartment and when he opened the door all her family were yelling at my uncle Tzunki-Tsu, Tzunki-Tsu, Tzunki-Tsu and the grandfather of sherii that it´s the main “Shaman” started to talk to my uncle and told him that Sherii now belongs to him because he saved her life and Ayampum that means god of the death and life sent a Tzunki-Tsu to honor the name of Sherii returning her from death.


    My family was from mainland. They came to Isabela- Galápagos when had just got married. They decided to visit to my grandmother who lived in isabela. She has been living two years there, and her house was on front of the sea, it was a really nice small house with coconut trees around.
    She wanted to settle there because she liked that quietness place. At that time on the island inhabited for few families and the life was really hard, there were a lack of basic services and there was no communication with the mainland. It was a rustic life.
    My parents had planned a trip to Galapagos vacations in my grandmother’s house for couples of weeks, but the time went so fast and that weeks became a whole life because my parents stayed to live there. That was so funny to me when they told us their history because they had never thought to live in Galápagos. Then we all my siblings and I were born. Time after that my grandmother decided to went back to her hometown. My father sold our house and bought my grandmother’s house. I think that was the best decision. I have to tell you that my childhood was so great, I grew up so happy front of sea, a big beach, birds, marine iguanas, mangroves, and other wonderful things that you can see and live here. I keep many nice memories. There is no time like that time.

    This history is about a family experience. One day my family and I went to a beach here in the island, by the my uncle’s dinghy, I don remember de name of the beach because I was a child, I remember that my uncle with the my cousin’s boyfriend were to look for some fish, because we had planed to stay on the beach the whole day, like around 6pm.

    But my parents, my cousin and I went to look for a good place to take a rest and to organize our things. So we was walking very relaxed by the sand, I was behind them when suddenly I saw that my family was submerging into de light brown sand, I didn’t know that to do in that moment. My family just told me “Lorena go away” and “look for a rope”. They didn’t move because if they moved, they would submerge quicker. I was really petrified when suddenly they stopped submerging, they had stepped the bottom, we were really happy and I saw “Thank you God “.
    They stared to walk; the haft of their bodies had been submerged into the sand, until the waists.

    After this bad but funny situation we were laughing the whole day, remembering our faces and our reactions.

    That is not a crazy adventure but is a crazy experience.

  11. I have a sister that was i citadine life. She lived in a big city and had a work that was very hard.

    On day, she decided to come to galapagos to enjoy her vacations. she came with her son for one month, but they loved this place and the decided to life here and to change completly their lifes.

    It was a big change in their lifes because here they didn't have the facilities that they had in the city.

    Finally they lived here for 7 years, and the travell that was for one month became for 7 years.


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