Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 8th - A Fork in the Road

In honour of Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), I would like you to tell me a story about a time where you came to a fork in the road. What were you doing, what was the choice that presented itself to you, what decision did you make, and how has this decision affected your life. Finally, what do you think your life would be like if you had chosen the other direction.

Due Friday. 300 words minimum.


  1. Rodrigo MartínezJuly 7, 2009 at 2:10 PM


    when I was 25 years I wa professor at the University of Loja. At that time the University was highly politicized, with many students who were political leaders. It was the era of the "red Book" of Mao Tse-tung, the students as if they had the Bible.

    I remember one of my students was a student leader and most of the year had not attended classes or exams the year and lost me. The president of the FEUE (Federation of University Students of Ecuador) called me to make to win the year without to paying any consideration, to which I refused. The Rector of the University also asked me to do to win the year, or this resignation of the Chair, which rejects and submit my resignation immediately.

    I was newly married and unemplyed. I went to Quito to find a new job. Reading the newspaper found two apportunities: one for Nicaragua, as a technician in the direction of plantations snuff, and another to the Galápagos, as Zonal Director of Agriculture. I applied to two, and won in both.

    Here I had choose one of the two. Galapagos chosen because it was a site that wanted to know and investigate. Nicaragua not like me because they were at war. It was the era of the "Sandinistas" directed by Miguel Ortega.

    When I came to Galápagos in 1975, I love the place and stayed until now. I think I chode well. I have full knowledge of the history of the Galapagos and have worked to preserve them, while improving the living condition of people living here. People see me and respects me.

    In the formal session of yesterday, gave a speech about the life of the Galapagosm from 1975 until today.


  2. When I was in Chile traveling with my family we decided to go to Mendoza a beautiful city of Argentina so from Santiago –Chile to Mendoza by bus was around eight hours , as we were traveling with my grandmother to travel eight hours by bus was kind of uncomfortable so my mother decided to take a flight.
    The flight was leaving early in the morning but when we got to the airport the flight was late because there was a thunder storm and the flight could not land and there was a problem because we had already booked at the hotel so if we did not go that day we would still had to pay.
    Then we decided to go by bus so we went to buy the tickets and got into the bus. The bus was pretty nice and comfortable even better than the airplane because while we were traveling we got to see beautiful landscapes; the view was amazing and was the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen.
    I was very glad that I traveled by bus because if I would have traveled by plane I would have missed all the beautiful things that I saw and maybe if we would have gone by plane it would have been dangerous.

  3. The first city my family and I visited in Brazil, was Florianopolis, and stayed there for two weeks in a friend´s house. The name of our friend was Munir. We met him a year ago in San Cristobal when he came as a tourist. He was a nice and funny guy.

    After Florianopolis we went to Rio de Janeiro. I liked Rio a lot, is a beautiful city, very touristic place. You´ll have fun even if you just go for a walk, because of its pretty sidewalks and the view of the beach.

    We stayed in Rio for two weeks, and when it was almost time to go, Munir e-mailed us and asked if my sisters and I would like to stay in Florianopolis because he knew that we liked Portuguese and wanted to learn some.

    We really wanted to stay but we doubted at the beginning because my mom had already bought the plane tickets. But she supported us and let us stay, so we said goodbye to our mom and went off to Florianopolis by bus .The trip lasted eighteen hours.

    He needed someone to look after his house because he only went there on the weekends and after a month he had planed to go to Costa Rica so we had that house just for the three of us. It was so much fun.

    Florianopolis is a beautiful island close to Sao Paulo, it has a lot of beaches and the beaches are huge.

    We stayed there for three months and had a great experience, then went back to Ecuador.

  4. When I was 15 years old I had to decide to satay here studying or to go to Quito to continue studying. It was my decision and for many daysI was thinking about the best option.
    All the life that I knew was here, my friends, my family, my habits hobbies and in Quito I had nothing only a good education but it wasn´t important for me in that moment of my life and it didn´t lead my decision. I saw in Quito a new experience, new people, new adventures, new places, new things to view, to touch, to taste and I chose going to Quito for these reasons. The first year was so difficult for me but whit the time it was changing. I started to pranctice sport like volleyball and basketball, I learned to play bongos, I learned to drink alcohol and smoke Lark too, and the partys were crazy. I traveled to many other cities and I met new friends.

    I Had a good education. I found my career and I discovered the graphic design world. I learned many things, I saw different places, I met different people, each one so special with her/his-self thoughts and habits. I met pretty girls, ones like an angel, other like the evil and so exciting girls. crazy partys all the time and some bad experiences with thieves.

    I would had liked staying here because when I came back for a few days on the year to visit my island, my family and my friends I had wonderful times that made me think If I chose the correct option

    I had a good time in Quito but my heart was here in San Cristobal. If I wouldn´t have traveled to Quito I wouldn´t have never discovered this. maybe it is a simple idea but it is the most importand for me.

  5. In 2007 When I had just one year off university, I met a great friend who is from USA; she had been a long time in Galapagos, She was working in the Galapagos Park with the program peace corp. She was living in my house for some time but one day she ask me if I wanted to go to sgo to her country. That was a really good offer because I had wanted always to know it. Then I decided to go to visit her. Although my intention was to enroll in school in English and learn more. That time was really rewarding and successful experiences. I knew many people and made many friends with whom I still have contact. My friend's family are very good people and they became like parents to me. In school there were. At school it was very fun, I had classmates from all nationalities in the world and many times I had to talk to them through sign language, it was really fun and amazing to think that I could to communicate with none shared a common language. I was four months there. I knew many places, museums, restaurants, theaters, cities and towns, as well as the customs of other countries through stories told for my friends. At the end of the time that still I left, I have decided to stay and extend my visa but I thought of my family and continue my studies in Ecuador. Return was very sad but I think it was a step that had to happen in my life and I will never forget the people and moments that pass.

  6. A fork in the road

    I graduated on December 2005 of the University, my mom, my brother and an aunt went to Honduras for my graduation. It was a beautiful ceremony, the next day we came back to Ecuador, we stayed one week in Guayaquil buying some things and then we returned to Santa Cruz and enjoyed a nice Christmas and New Year party with all my family.

    So arrived 2006 and I had to find a job, but I hadn’t luck. So I worked like a voluntary in Charles Darwin Foundation for six months after that I stayed in my house helping my mom in her business, but I continued without job. One day in 2007 there was an announcement of a work in Sicgal here in San Cristóbal. I wanted to work, but in Santa Cruz where I live or lived so I thought so much if I apply or not, but I needed to work so I applied for this job and I approved. So I did all the preparations for come to San Cristóbal.

    It is as well as it began my history here in San Cristóbal, I arrived on November 2007 and I started to work in Sicgal. I have found some friends here, but I miss Santa Cruz a lot. I hope someday to return to Santa Cruz, with a job of course. ;)

  7. Year and half after my first baby was born,I was living with my sisters and my husband, my parents decided that I was ready to came back for the university and started to study again, but i didn´t want to study again, i wanted to care my baby, because in a city is not save to left your baby with a babysiter or in a nursery, then my parents gave me an idea but i didn´t like it, the idea consisted that, they will care my daughter until I finish my studies, it was dificult to decided because she was one year an a half, she was a baby and she She would grow far from me, And after have talked with my husband, we decide to leave my girl with my parents, and to return to the universit. It did not serve of anything the effort of them, I moved back from the university because i was losing asignatures and after a few months, i divorced and a little time after I decided to return to the house of my parents.

  8. A year ago, I had to decide between two ways in my life, they were very different.

    The beginning of the history is when I was studying the University in Guayaquil, one day I had to return here because I got, I stayed here to get better, soon had passed a couple mounts and I had to decide between two options. The first was that I return to the University in Guayaquil and to continue my career, it was Computer science. And my second option was that I stay here because in that time a guide course was going to open and I was interested.

    I was undecided for a long time, because I really wanted to continue the University and my career but at the same time I was very interested in the guide course because it was an excellent opportunity to have a profession fast.

    So I was thinking about and finally I decided to stay here and to wait for the guide course and to study for the admission exam because it was a requisite to go in the course.

    Now, I think how had been my life if I had chosen the other way, maybe I had been regret to have wasted the opportunity to get a excellent profession.

    But I’m here and now I’m naturalist guide, it was my decision and I’m not regret about it. I know that I have a lot of work opportunities like a guide of the Islands. But I want to study the University but not in Guayaquil again because I want to be here, but I want to begin soon here another career because in this island there is not the career Computer science.

    That was a fork stuck in the road in my life.

  9. I have lived alwaiys with my mother and she has been the principal support in my life.. we have been together in diferent situations .. when i finshed the high school she decided to go with me to another city , because I needed to move to another city to study the university.. That years we lived together, but after that when I finished the university, it appeared in my life the opportunity to come to work in Galápagos , and It was a big decition in my life, because it meant that there would be big changes in my life style..

    I wanted to do it because i love this place, but every change causes fear and I thought in the consequences that were positive and negative.. there were negative consequences like the development of my carreer, because in my current job I don´t apply the things that I studied, but I have learned new importante things... Another thing that cuased fear to me was the idea to live alone and to be complety responsable of my life without nobody that helpme in somethings that before my mother helped me..

    Now I am living alone, I am still organizing in my new life, and at the begining everithing was difficult but I am learning many important things of the life..

    Sometimes i feel sad but after i feel better.. I think that this is a necesary step to mature and grow up..

    I think that it was the correct decition.. I have learned that people need to be alone but not completely..People have to feel good alone without fears and have to enjoy it.. but everybody needs to be loved to.. so it is so importante to know that there are people may be the family or friends that love us..


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